K-12 Statewide Assessments
The Bureau of K-12 Assessment is responsible for all aspects of Florida's K-12 statewide student assessment programs, including developing, administering, scoring, and reporting the results for assessments aligned to the Florida Standards or Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS), as well as assisting with the administration and reporting of several other K-12 student assessment programs. Services are provided both by Florida Department of Education (FDOE) staff and through various contracts with assessment vendors. The primary goal of these assessments is to provide information about student learning in Florida, as required by Florida law (see Section 1008.22, Florida Statutes).
Florida uses the ACCESS for ELLs suite of assessments as a tool to measure English Language Learners (ELLs) proficiency in the English language; thus, ensuring the skills needed in school to achieve at high levels, academically. Each test is based on the WIDA English Language Development (ELD) Standards that form the core of WIDA’s approach to instructing and assessing ELLs in Grades K–12.
Beginning with the 2022–23 school year, Florida’s statewide, standardized assessments in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics will be aligned with the Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking (B.E.S.T.). The Florida Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST), which includes VPK through grade 10 Reading and VPK through grade 8 Mathematics assessments, will be administered as a progress monitoring assessment, which students will participate in three times per year. B.E.S.T. assessments that are not part of the FAST progress monitoring program include grades 4–10 Writing and end-of-course (EOC) assessments in Algebra 1 and Geometry.
End-of-Course (EOC) Assessments
EOC assessments are computer-based, criterion-referenced assessments that measure the Florida Standards (FS) or the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS) for specific courses, as outlined in their course descriptions. In 2011, Algebra 1 (NGSSS) was the first course to undergo the implementation of a statewide EOC assessment. Over the next few years, it was followed by Biology 1, Geometry, U.S. History, and Civics, all of which are aligned to the NGSSS.
Beginning in 2014-15, assessments aligned to the Florida Standards replaced assessments aligned to the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards in mathematics and English language arts (formerly reading and writing). The NGSSS Algebra 1 and Geometry assessments were replaced by Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) in these subjects. The NGSSS Algebra 1 Retake EOC was administered for the final time in Summer 2017. All students completing applicable Algebra 1 or Geometry courses in 2014-15 and beyond will take the FSA End-of-Course Assessment.
The science and social studies NGSSS-aligned EOC assessments (Biology 1, Civics, and U.S. History) will continue to be administered for students completing applicable courses.
Florida Statewide End-of-Course Assessments Fact Sheet
The Florida Civic Literacy Exam (FCLE) is a computer-based assessment that measures students’ civic literacy knowledge. In 2021, legislation was passed that requires all students enrolled in a U.S. Government course in high school to take the assessment (see s. 1003.4282(3)(d), F.S.).
Florida Standards Alternate Assessment
All Florida students participate in the state’s assessment and accountability system. The Florida Standards Alternate Assessment (FSAA) is designed for students whose participation in the general statewide assessment program (Florida Standards Assessments, Statewide Science Assessment, Next Generation Sunshine State Standards End-of-Course Assessments) is not appropriate, even with accommodations. The FSAA is based on the Florida Standards Access Points (FS-APs) for English language arts and mathematics, and on the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards Access Points (NGSSS-APs) for science and social studies. Access Points are academic expectations written specifically for students with significant cognitive disabilities. They reflect the essence or core intent of the standards that apply to all students in the same grade, but at reduced levels of complexity.
The FSAA program includes two components: the FSAA—Performance Task (FSAA—PT) and FSAA—Datafolio, which form a continuum of assessment to meet the needs of Florida’s students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. The FSAA—PT is designed to assess students at three levels of complexity and results are reported through achievement levels. The FSAA—Datafolio is designed to address the needs of a small population of students who typically do not have a formal mode of communication and may be working at pre-academic levels. Regardless of the component with which a student is assessed, it is expected that only students with the most significant cognitive disabilities who are eligible under IDEA will participate in the FSAA program.
Technical Assistance Paper Statewide Assessment for Students with Disabilities
Florida Standards Assessments Retakes
With the Florida standards in place to help Florida students succeed, the Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) in English Language Arts (ELA), Mathematics, and end-of-course (EOC) subjects (Algebra 1 and Geometry) serve Florida students by measuring education gains and progress. Students, parents/guardians, and educators are encouraged to check the Florida Statewide Assessments Portal often to access important information and resources as they are available.
The Statewide Science Assessment measures student achievement of the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards in science. Students in grades 5 and 8 participate in the statewide science assessment. Achievement Levels for Science were established in 2012 through a standard-setting process.
VPK Florida Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST)
The Coordinated Screening and Progress Monitoring Program is the statewide, standardized program known as Florida Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST) Star Early Literacy. It is implemented in all VPK programs as required by s. 1002.68, F.S., and used to assess student achievement of the performance standards established in s. 1002.67(1)(a), F.S., in early literacy and mathematics.
VPK Programs (school-year and summer) began implementation of the FAST Star Early Literacy in the 2022-2023 VPK Program Year.
Important Update: The Division of Early Learning has created the VPK Program Guide to FAST Star Early Literacy (PDF). This guide should be used for VPK Programs to find:
How to locate your Renaissance VPK Testing Site
Where to Complete Rostering and Obtain Login Credentials
VPK FAST Training Requirements
Customizable Family Letter
Administration Schedule
VPK Program Administration Task Requirements
Providing Student Performance Results Requirements
Support Contacts
FAST Star Early Literacy Family Letter – What Families Need to Know (PDF)
Assessment Related Guides and Reports
Assessments to Meet Concordant Scores
Description: Scale ranging from 200 to 800 for Evidence-Based Reading and Writing; 200 to 800 for Math; 2 to 8 on each of three dimensions for essay. Essay results reported separately. The test is split up into three different sections. You’ll have 65 minutes to answer 52 reading questions, 35 minutes to answer 44 writing questions/tasks, 80 minutes on 58 math questions and 50 minutes for the essay.
Usually Taken: Spring of your junior year or fall of your senior year (or both, if you want a practice run).
Tips and Strategies: It used to be that the SAT carries a “wrong answer penalty.” If you guessed right, you gained a point; if you guessed wrong, you were penalized. Now, you can guess without risking your SAT score. You can retake the test to improve your score, but your college will send all available scores to your prospective college, including the results of tests you have taken previously. The SAT does not allow students to send only their latest and/or best scores. For more information visit:
The ACT test is the nation’s most popular college entrance exam accepted and valued by all universities and colleges in the United States. The ACT is based on what students learn in high school and provides personalized information about their strengths for education and career planning. Find everything you need to know about registration, test prep, scores and more at this link.
Description: Three-hour exam; 215 questions; measures achievement in English, math, reading and science. The ACT Plus includes an optional 40-minute writing test. Scores on each section are averaged to create a composite score. Perfect score is 36. Students in the Midwest and South generally take the ACT.
Usually Taken: Spring of your junior year or fall of your senior year (or both, if you want a practice run).
Tips and Strategies: Your score is based on the number of correct answers ONLY. If you aren’t sure, take a guess – it can’t hurt you and it could help. Harder questions are worth the same amount as easy ones. Answer the easy questions first and leave the more time-consuming questions till the end.
Description: The test is split up into three different sections. You’ll have 60 minutes to answer 47 reading questions, 35 minutes to answer 44 writing questions/tasks and 70 minutes on 48 math questions. Like the new SAT, you will not penalized for wrong answers — or for guessing, essentially. Not used to determine college admissions; intended to help students prepare for the SAT. Same format as the SAT, but shorter – a test of verbal and mathematical reasoning.
Usually Taken: During your junior year, though you may wish to take it sooner for practice.
Tips and Strategies: If you do well on the PSAT (and meet additional academic requirements), you may qualify for the National Merit Scholarship Program (a nationally distributed merit-based scholarship). Only scores from the junior year are used to determine qualification for National Merit Program. For more information visit:
Free Practice for the PSAT/NMSQT
PERT (2023 Grads Only for Algebra 1 Concordant)
The Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (P.E.R.T.) is Florida's customized common placement test. The purpose of the P.E.R.T. is to determine accurate course placement based on the student's skills and abilities. The P.E.R.T. is aligned with the Postsecondary Readiness Competencies identified by Florida faculty as necessary for success in entry-level college credit coursework. The P.E.R.T. assessment system includes Placement and Diagnostic tests in mathematics, reading and writing.
The (P.E.R.T.) Placement is administered to students in public high schools and Florida College System institutions to determine readiness for Intermediate Algebra, MAT 1033, and Freshman Composition I, ENC 1101. The P.E.R.T.assessment is a computer adaptive test (C.A.T.) with 25 operational items that will be the basis of the student's placement score and five (5) field test items which are designed to continuously enhance the operational test bank. For additional information concerning the P.E.R.T. go to http://www.fldoe.org/schools/higher-ed/fl-college-system/common-placement-testing.stml