All students are expected to attend all classes each day that school is in session. Unexcused absences, including unexcused tardies will result in a disciplinary consequence. Determination of whether an absence or tardy is excused or unexcused is the responsibility of the site principal or designee. Attendance excuses, including physician’s statements, are subject to verification and fraudulent documentation may be referred for criminal prosecution. No student may be excused from school during regular school hours in order to take private lessons or regularly participate in non-school events, except as provided herein (F.S. 1003.21(2)(b)(2) and recommended by the school principal for approval by the Superintendent or designee.
S. 1003.21, F.S., requires that children 6 years of age (or those reaching 6 years of age by February 1 of any school year) or older, through 16 years of age, attend school regularly during the entire school term. The one exception is that a student who reaches the age of 16 during the school year is not subject to compulsory school attendance if the student files a formal declaration of intent to terminate school enrollment with the district school board.
The following absences may be excused with the proper submission of required documentation:
brief student illness/injury;
illness or medical care to include mental health services from a board certified professional - A principal shall require a physician’s statement or other medical personnel before excusing student absences in excess of ten (10) days in any school year.;
medical/dental appointments;
therapy services for autism spectrum disorder
death of an immediate family member;
religious holiday of the specific faith of the student (principal approved);
compelled absence (e.g., judicial);
natural/major disaster that would justify absence (principal approved);
school-sponsored/related activity (principal approved); and
financial or other insurmountable conditions (principal approved).
participation in national or world class competitions
Students having or suspected of having a communicable disease or infestation that can be transmitted are to be excluded from school and are not allowed to return to school until they no longer present a health hazard. Examples of communicable diseases and infestations include, but are not limited to, fleas, bed bugs, head lice/nits, ringworm, impetigo, and scabies. Students excluded from school for head lice/nits will be allowed a maximum of three (3) school days excused absence for each occurrence. The student must be cleared upon return by the school nurse.
missing school bus/oversleeping
excessive illness (without physician verification that medical condition justifies pattern)
failure to communicate the reason for absence(s)
voluntary or vacation travel that exceeds three (3) days per year without prior administrative approval
Students aged six (6) to eighteen (18) are subject to mandatory school attendance unless those students aged sixteen (16) to eighteen (18) have filed with the district a formal statement of intent to withdraw from school which includes acknowledgements that terminating school enrollment is likely to reduce a student’s earning potential and that driving privileges may be withheld or terminated. This statement must be signed by the student, parent or guardian, and school representative.
Any time that a student is absent from school during school hours, a written, dated statement explaining the absence should be signed by the parent or guardian and filed at the school within (3) three days of the absence. When a doctor’s note is required following a student’s absence that is in excess of ten (10) days, the note must be submitted to the school within three (3) school days after the student returns. The school will not accept doctor’s note after the three (3) school days have passed.
Each unexcused absence, or absence for which the reason is unknown, the school shall attempt to contact the parent or guardian to determine the reason for the absence. To maximize student performance by reducing the number of students classified as habitually truant, the designated school representative will investigate cases of non-enrollment and unexcused absences from school of all children subject to compulsory school attendance. After the fifth unexcused absence during a 30 calendar day period or ten (10) unexcused in a 90 day calendar period, the Superintendent or designee will notify the parent or guardian in writing of the unexcused absences.
Students who have developed a pattern of nonattendance shall be referred to the school’s Multitiered System of Support (MTSS) team to determine if early patterns of truancy are developing. If the MTSS team finds that a pattern of non-attendance is developing, whether the absences are excused or not, a meeting with the parent/guardian must be scheduled to identify potential remedies. If an initial meeting does not resolve the problem, the MTSS team shall implement interventions that best address the problem.
MTSS Team interventions may include, but need not be limited to:
frequent communication between the teacher and the family;
changes in the learning environment;
student counseling;
tutoring, including peer tutoring;
placement into different classes;
evaluation for alternative education programs;
attendance contracts;
referral to other agencies for family services; or
other interventions.
If the parent or guardian does not respond adequately to the MTSS team recommendations, the student may be reported to the District Attendance Officer. The Attendance Officer may file a truancy petition in circuit court.
Additionally, the Attendance Officer will notify the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles to withhold or suspend driving privileges and/or license for student drivers. After the fifteenth (15th) unexcused absence from school during school hours within ninety (90) calendar days, the student will be classified as a habitual truant, the truancy petition will be filed and the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles will be notified.
During severe weather, the safety of our students and staff is of priority importance. When schools are directed by District or school administration, in conjunction with the National Weather Service, to initiate the severe weather procedure drill, students will not be allowed to be checked-out. When the threat of dangerous weather has passed, schools will resume normal check-out conditions.
To participate in after school extracurricular activities, including sports, band, or clubs, students must be in attendance for at least half of the school day, unless the student is excused for participation in a non-school sponsored national or world class competition. Absence of more than half of the school day requires approval for participation by the principal or designee.