Fiscal Transparency
VAM Tool
Click Here for the FLDOE Walton VAM
The VAM tool is best viewed with the latest version of Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.
About Florida VAM
Florida's Value-Added Model (VAM) measures the impact schools and teachers have on their students' learning growth rather than student proficiency, and is different from learning gains used in school accountablity systems. When used as intended, VAM data can help educators identify best practices, implement programs that best meet the needs of their students, and make informed decisions about where to focus resources to maximize learning growth for all students.
Budget Transparency
Section 1011.035(2), Florida Statutes (F.S.), requires school districts to present certain fiscal data on their websites for the three previous years, for the school district and each public school within the district, in the form of graphical representations. This requirement became effective July 1, 2019, as a result of the statutory amendment codified in section 12 of chapter 2018-5, Laws of Florida. Below are links to the required components: