ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages)
In August, 1990, the United States District Court, Southern District of Florida, issued a Consent Decree giving the court power to enforce an agreement between the Florida State Board of Education and a coalition of eight groups represented by Multicultural Education, Training and Advocacy, Inc. (META). The Consent Decree settlement terms focus on the following six issues:
Identification and assessment
Equal access to appropriate programming
Equal access to appropriate categorical and other programming for Limited English Proficient (LEP) students
Outcome measures
Click here for more information.
Based upon the structure outlined in the Consent Decree, districts are required to ensure the delivery of comprehensible instruction to which English Language Learners (ELLs) are entitled.
Parent Resources / Links
Academic Bilingual Glossaries Activities for ESL Students WIDA WIDA ACCESS for ELLS 2.0
District ELL Plan
The goal of the ESOL program is to ensure that all students entering Walton County School District with varying levels of English language proficiency receive comparable instruction. This instruction ensures students develop communicative and academic skills necessary to meet national, state and district educational standards.
All schools with students classified as English Language Learners (ELLs) must provide appropriate ESOL services to meet the specific student's needs in English language acquisition, academic achievement and cultural integration.
Students in the ESOL program must meet the same curriculum standards as non-ELLs in English/Language Arts courses as well as other content areas. The curriculum content is established in the Florida Standards. ESOL strategies, English language learning software (Imagine Learning, Rosetta Stone), bilingual aides, word-to-word dictionaries and individualized instruction are utilized to ensure that comprehensible instruction is provided to our ELL students.
Title III, Part A
Title III, Part A is a federal project that is designed to ensure ELLs are successful in their educational programming. In the state of Florida, the funds are used to supplement the required resources that are outlined in the Florida Consent Decree. Therefore, any activity or resource that is included in this application must be supplemental in nature, or above and beyond what the district is required to provide.
Walton County School District utilizes the Title III funds to assist our ELLs in acquiring English language proficiency and to achieve academically as they pursue a high school diploma.
For the 2023-24 school year, Title III funds will be utilized for the following activities:
Professional Learning Consultant
Substitute teachers and benefits to cover classrooms when teachers are participating in professional learning opportunities
Travel expenditures
Imagine Learning English
Rosetta Stone English
Translation services for written and oral communication
ESOL Endorsement Courses
Courses Needed for ESOL Endorsement
Methods of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
Applied Linguistics
Cross-Cultural Communication and Understanding
Testing and Evaluation of ESOL
ESOL Curriculum and Materials Development
*each of these courses are worth 60 points and are bankable
ESOL Training Requirements
For information on ESOL Training Requirements, click here.
Parent Leadership Council
Walton County School District encourages parents to become active partners in the education of their children. Parent involvement most often leads to increased student achievement and success. You will be invited throughout the year to participate in a variety of activities related to your child's education. If at any time you have questions about a particular activity or about your child's progress in school, please contact his or her teacher.
In addition to participating in the above activities, you are encouraged to become involved in the following advisory council:
DISTRICT PARENT LEADERSHIP COUNCIL (ESOL) - Represents all limited English proficient parents and students in the district. Council members advise on the responsibilities, scope and objectives of the district ESOL program. If you are interested in joining the above council, please contact Cathy Hall at (850) 892-1100, extension 1548.
Noticia de Compromiso pare Activitidates Para Padres:
El sistema escolar del condado de Walton trata de animar a los padres para que participen en la educación de sus niños. La participación de los padres ayuda a los estudiantes aumentar sus logros y tener exito.
Usted será invitado durante el ano a participar en una variedad de activaides acerca la educacion de su niño. Si alguna vez tiene una pregunta score cierta actividad o sebre el adelantamiento escolar de su niño, tenga la bondad de llamar a la maestra de su niño.
Adicionalmente, le rogamos que también participen en los siguentes concilios consultorios: CONCILIO DE JEFATURA DE PADRES DEL DISTRITO (ESOL) – Representa todos los padres y estadiantes con limitado inglés en el distrito. Miembros aconsejar sobre las responsabilidades, alcance y propositos del distrito ESOL de programa.
Si se interesa en asociarse a cualquiera de los susodichos concilios, por favor contacto Cathy Hall en (850) 892-1100, ext. 1548