October 15, 2023
The Marching Braves traveled to Panama City on Saturday, October 14, to compete in the FBA District 2 Music Performance Assessment. This was their third competition. We're proud...

October 14, 2023
On October 13 , two of our FFA members attended the rabbit show at the Panhandle Youth Expo in Marianna. Bailey Theberge showed our agriculture program's rabbits, Zeus (blac...

October 14, 2023
Congratulations to the following students who were selected for the Class of 2023 Hall of Fame!
Jillian Casey Jackson Clemmons Callie Hulion Maston Joyner (not pictured) Rilee...

October 12, 2023
This afternoon's Powderpuff game has been rescheduled due to weather and field conditions. The game will be played next Friday, October 20.

October 9, 2023
Click the link below to view the Braves Bulletin for October 9-13: https://www.smore.com/1evux

October 6, 2023
Congratulations to our students on successfully completing the 1st quarter! Monday, October 9 , is a teacher work day. Students, take a well-deserved day of rest and we'll se...

October 6, 2023
Who's ready for some football?! The Braves will host Marianna tonight (October 6) at 7:00. The theme is "Dress For Decades."

October 5, 2023
Attention seniors: If you'd like an adorable baby picture of yourself included in the yearbook, email it to Mrs. Murphy at diane.murphy@walton.k12.fl.us . Be sure the picture is...

October 5, 2023
There are seats available in the following areas at Emerald Coast Technical College for the spring semester (January 2024). A parent/student meeting is required for consideratio...

October 5, 2023
Attention seniors: Please stop by the SSA office no later than Tuesday, October 31 , to check the spelling of your full name for your high school diploma.

October 5, 2023
If you're planning on trying out for the girls soccer team on October 16 and 17 , please join Remind to stay up-to-date on announcements. There are three ways to join: - Text ...

October 4, 2023
Picture proofs have arrived! They were sent home with students this week. Families may view & order pictures online at www.romophoto.com using the student's ID # and an email ...

October 4, 2023
Thank you to everyone that attended tonight's Senior/Senior Parent Epic Night! In case you weren't able to make it, we wanted to share these flyers that were distributed at the ...

October 4, 2023
Participate in a fun, unique experience...AND earn community service hours, too! The E. O. Wilson Biophilia Center is looking for volunteers to help with their Night Hike on Sat...

October 3, 2023
The theme for Friday night's football game (against Marianna) is "Decades." Show your school spirit and support the Braves by donning attire from your favorite decade!

October 3, 2023
Make-up pictures & retakes will be held on Monday, October 16 . Students requesting retakes must have their original proof forms in hand. New students and students that were ab...

October 3, 2023
Congratulations to our Walton golf team for earning 2nd place in the 10-team Rocky Bayou Invitational golf tournament in Niceville! Brody McCormick and Jackson Clemmons were the ...

October 2, 2023
Soccer tryouts will be held on October 16 and 17 . Tryouts for girls will be from 3:30 to 5:30 and for boys from 4:00 to 6:00.

October 2, 2023
Click the link below to view the Braves Bulletin for October 2-6 : https://www.smore.com/yjhcf

October 2, 2023
First quarter exams will be given for even periods on Thursday, October 5 , and for odd periods on Friday, October 6 .