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Deana Majors
Instructor: Patient Care Technician & Phlebotomy
Instructional Staff
850.892.1240 ext. 5172
Erin Miller
Instructor: Cosmetology
Instructional Staff
850.892.1240 ext. 5155
Walter "Doby" Miller
Instructor: Welding Technology & Welding Technology - Advanced
Instructional Staff
850.892.1240 ext. 5152
Dawn Morgan
Instructor: Adult General Education
Instructional Staff
850.892.1240 ext. 5175
Maria Preis-Rogowski
Instructor: Adult General Education & English Speakers of Other Languages
Instructional Staff
850.892.1240 ext. 5169
Gary Price
Instructor: Master Automotive Services Technology 1 & 2
Instructional Staff
850.892.1240 ext. 5160
Patricia Roman
Instructor: Pharmacy Technician
Instructional Staff
850.892.1240 ext. 5147
Carol Rothgeb
Data Control Specialist
Student Services
850.892.1240 ext. 5112
Jennifer Simpson
Custodial / Plant Management / Maintenance
850.892.1240 ext. 5170
Elizabeth Sims
School Secretary
Administrative / Support Staff
850.892.1240 ext. 5101
Michael Smithart
Director / Principal
850.892.1240 ext. 5110
Jesse Spaid
Project Specialist
Administrative / Support Staff
850.892.1240 ext. 5162
Brook Spires
Transition Program Facilitator
Instructional Staff
850.892.1240 ext. 5109
Larry Sweat
Instructor: Electricity (Night Instructor)
Instructional Staff
850.892.1240 ext. 5151
Ricky Traywick
Custodial / Plant Management / Maintenance
850.892.1240 ext. 5170
Amber Watson
Instructor: Patient Care Technician
Instructional Staff
850.892.1240 ext.5453