Nurse Notes

Our on-site school nurse is available for questions when it comes to the health of your student or their medications to be taken at school.  Administering medication during school hours should occur only when medication schedules cannot be adjusted to permit administration of medication at home. See below for the medication policy.  Please contact the nurse at 850-892-1100 x 5219. 

PLEASE inform the school nurse if your child has any severe allergies requiring an epi-pen or any special health considerations. Our nurse can be reached by email at 

When To Keep Your Child Home 

Fever - A temperature of 100 degrees or more. Students must be fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications before they can return to school. 

Diarrhea and Vomiting - This is uncomfortable and being near a bathroom becomes a top priority. If these symptoms persist you should contact your physician. Parents will need to pick up their child if they vomit at school. Student may return to school after 24 hours of no vomiting. 

Lice: It is recommended you check your child’s hair regularly for lice and nits (lice eggs.) Per Walton County School District policy, all lice and nits must be removed from hair before returning to school. The school nurse must examine your child for clearance to return to school. 

Parents of students found with lice at school will receive a letter/ treatment form and must provide signed testament of and physical proof of treatment in the form of a receipt or product packaging upon student's return to school. 

For more information visit the Walton County School District's Health Services Department 

Ear Infection - this is an inflammation of the middle ear. Symptoms could include pain, fever, dizziness, or headache. Please contact your health care provider if symptoms are present. 

Conjunctivitis or Pink Eye - This is highly contagious and uncomfortable. Symptoms might include eyes burning, itching, pink discoloration to the eye, and a whitish discharge. Contact your physician when symptoms are present. Your child will need to be symptom free, or a doctor's note is required before returning to school. 

Strep Throat - This is a highly contagious condition that is caused by a bacterial infection (streptococcal). Symptoms usually present are sore throat and fever. Strep can only be diagnosed by a culture so you will need to contact your physician if symptoms are present. If your child is diagnosed with strep, they will need to be on antibiotics for 24 hours and fever free before returning to school. 

Cold Symptoms - Some children suffer from the common cold all winter long and a simple cold should not be a reason to miss school. However, should a fever develop, a bad cough, difficulty breathing, or your child becomes dehydrated you should contact your physician as those symptoms could indicate a more serious condition (i.e. Bronchitis, flu, or even pneumonia). If your child has one of these other conditions, they should be kept home until the doctor says it is ok to return. 

Flu or Influenza Virus – This is a highly contagious respiratory infection that affects the nose, throat, and lungs. Symptoms might include fever, cough, sore throat, runny/stuffy nose, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, sweating/chills, nausea and vomiting especially in children. 

COVID - We are following the same protocols from last year for students and employees testing positive for COVID. 

Individual may return after they have been fever free 24 hours and symptoms improving for 24 hours. 

Or follow the Doctor’s recommendation pertaining to returning to school/work. 

 Note: The above protocols are what we do for all types of cold or flu symptoms. 

Medications at School 

Walton County Guidelines for Medication Administration at School: 

According to the provisions of Florida Statute 1006.062, and the Walton County School Board/Walton County Health Department policy for medication administration at school, there are certain guidelines we must follow when assisting students with medications. 

Administration of medication during school hours should occur only when medication schedules cannot be adjusted to permit administration of medication at home. 

Medication must be delivered to the school and picked up by a parent or responsible adult designated by the parent.  Unused medication will be thrown away if not picked up by the last day of school. 

Prescription medication (only medication approved by the FDA) must be prescribed by a licensed physician and should be in the original package (this includes non-prescription medication) with the instructions for medication administration on the package.  All medication must have a current date.  Parents can ask their pharmacists for a separate bottle for in school medications, if desired.  All medication kept at school shall be kept in a designated, locked area accessible only to the staff authorized to administer medication. 

For each medication, the parent or guardian must complete, sign and return a “Request to Administer Medication” form to the school principal or clinic personnel.  Medications will be counted by school personnel and the parent.  Any changes in the dosage or time of administration must be accompanied by another “Request to administer medication” form.  Parents are encouraged to give the first dose of medication at home in case of any reaction should occur. 

The school nurse CANNOT make alterations to the dosing directions provided by the prescribing physician. 

Florida Statute 1002.20 enables an asthmatic student to carry a metered dose inhaler, a student with allergies to carry an epinephrine auto-injector for allergic reactions, a student with pancreatic insufficiencies or cystic fibrosis to carry pancreatic enzymes supplements, and a diabetic student to carry supplies or equipment while at school when they have approval from their parents and their physician.  These are considered prescription medications, and the appropriate forms must be completed and signed by the parent and physician. 

All medications must be picked up by parent/ guardian at the end of the school year.