Our boys weightlifting team is hosting a Bench-A-Thon fundraiser through Friday, January 24.
Here's how it works:
- Individuals may sign up to donate $0.10, $0.25, $1, or any other denomination of their choosing.
- Total donation amounts will be calculated on a PER POUND basis of how much the specified lifters lift on the bench press.
- For example: Someone decides to donate $0.10 per pound. If their lifter benches 150 pounds, the calculation would be 150 x $0.10 = $15. The person would then donate $15 towards the Walton boys weightlifting team.
- Flat-amount donations will also be accepted and are greatly appreciated.
If you'd like to donate/participate, please contact any member of the Walton boys weightlifting team or Coach Mason (zachary.mason@walton.k12.fl.us).

Boys Weightlifting Bench-A-Thon Fundraiser
January 12, 2025