Students that did not meet proficiency on their Algebra I EOC or 10th grade ELA F.A.S.T. assessment are invited to attend a boot camp this summer. The boot camp begins July 8 and ends July 17. It will run Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The purpose of the boot camp is to prepare students to pass the Algebra I EOC and/or the 10th grade ELA F.A.S.T. assessment, which will be administered at the end of the boot camp. Showing proficiency on the Algebra I EOC and 10th grade F.A.S.T. is a Florida graduation requirement. Students that earn a level 3 or higher on the summer test(s) will not have to take an intensive math or intensive reading course in the 24-25 school year.
* Note: Students are responsible for their own transportation.
To reserve your spot, please contact your WHS guidance counselor. Ninth and tenth grade students should contact Lindsey Tate at 850-892-1270, ext. 4412, or Eleventh and twelfth grade students should contact Randi McKie at 850-892-1270, ext. 4416, or

Test Prep Boot Camp
June 21, 2024