Attention 2024 seniors:
- Final transcripts are now available. Please direct transcript requests to Ms. Megan Warren (
- Diplomas may be picked up in the main office beginning on Tuesday, June 11, from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Please note that we're open Monday through Thursday during the summer, so diplomas may not be picked up on Fridays.
- Uniforms, textbooks, lunch fees, and library books must be paid for/turned in prior to picking up your diploma.
- The person picking up the diploma must show identification & sign the pick-up roster. If a senior wishes another person to pick up his/her diploma, that person must be listed as an emergency contact in FOCUS.
- We'll mail diplomas only if there's an extenuating circumstance.
- Please note that we do NOT keep copies of diplomas.
- Any remaining senior items that haven't been picked up (senior awards, banners, etc.) will be available for pick-up with diplomas.

Diploma Pick-Up Info
June 10, 2024