
Attention students interested in cheering next year: ๐Ÿ“ฃ
There will be a MANDATORY parent meeting in the WHS gym on Monday, April 8, at 5:30 p.m. Parents unable to attend this meeting must make arrangements with Mrs. Zodrow (850-892-1270 / 850-830-1035 / to meet, discuss, and sign the required paperwork.

- Monday, April 8 โ€“ 3:30-5:30 โ€“ learn the dance
- Tuesday, April 9 โ€“ 3:30-5:00 โ€“ learn the cheer/stunt/jumps
- Wednesday, April 10 โ€“ 3:30-4:30 โ€“ stunting/material review
- Thursday, April 11 - possible open gym time (if needed)
- Friday, April 12 - 3:45-until - tryouts

* Students must have a current physical on file & a minimum 2.5 GPA to participate.

* Cost to tryout is $15 โ€“ This money is to pay for judges (NCA/UCA staff members, college coaches, college cheerleaders).

Sign up to participate in Mrs. Zodrow's room (114). Go Braves!