Hometown Christmas Pageant

The 2023 Miss Hometown Christmas Pageant will be held in the Walton High School Auditorium on Saturday, November 4, at 5:00 p.m.   The pageant is open to contestants that attend school or reside within Walton County.

- Miss (grades 10-12)
- Teen Miss (grades 7-9)
- Junior Miss (grades 4-6)
- Young Miss (grades 2 & 3)
- Little Miss (kindergarten & 1st grade)

The entry fee is $40, and there is an optional photogenic fee of $10.  Entry fees, registration forms, and emcee forms should be dropped off at the school by Friday, October 27.  (Please note the deadline has been extended from October 20 to October 27.)  A printable brochure may be downloaded at https://5il.co/25g5g.

Questions? Contact:
- Mr. Pert - room 220 or pertd@walton.k12.fl.us
- Mrs. Cramer - room 219 or cramera@walton.k12.fl.us
- Mrs. Wright - room 222 or chelsea.wright@walton.k12.fl.us
- Regina Uhland - 850-419-1827