Senior Epic Night

Only one week 'til our Senior Epic Night!   This event is for WHS seniors & their parents/guardians.   It will be held on Tuesday, October 3, from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. 

We have confirmed recruiters/college representatives from the following colleges/universities/military branches will be present:
- US Army
- US Marines
- US Navy
- US Air Force
- University of West Florida
- Troy University
- Florida State University Panama City
- Northwest Florida State College
- Emerald Coast Technical College

We will also have representatives to provide help in the following areas:
- Walton CareerSource
- Florida Bright Futures Application
- FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid): Creating an FSA ID for the student and parent
- Herff Jones: Graduation memorabilia and cap/gown company
- 2024 Walton High School Yearbook & senior picture dates
- WHS scholarship assistance
- Class of 2024 class sponsor
- Senior transcripts and FL Bright Future status
- Station to check the spelling of your childโ€™s name on their Class of 2024 high school diploma

Every senior that attends will receive an extra rain ticket for graduation (May 17) at the the end of the night.  We'll also be raffling five preferred parking spaces for the capping & graduation ceremonies for parents/guardians in attendance.