2023 Homecoming

It's Homecoming Week, Braves!  ๐ŸŽ‰

Dress-up days are below.  Attire must follow school dress code.
- Tuesday, October 10 - Country vs. Country Club
- Wednesday, October 11 - Destination Day
- Thursday, October 12 - Pink Out
- Friday, October 13 - Blue & white

The theme for floats, hallways, and skits is "Braves Storm The Cities."  Decorations for each grade level should be related to the following cities:
- Freshmen - New Orleans, LA
- Sophomores - Miami, FL
- Juniors - Nashville, TN
- Seniors - Las Vegas, NV

Students should join their grade level Remind to stay up-to-date on announcements regarding float building, hallway decorating, and skit practices.  (See codes below.)

Thursday, October 12
- Tailgate party at 6:00 p.m.
- Bonfire at 7:00 p.m.

Friday, October 13
- Pep rally from 10:25 to 11:25
- Early release day for DeFuniak schools (see bell schedule below)
- Parade at 2:30
The entry fee is $10 per vehicle, and the money will go to WHS Student Government which funds all Homecoming activities.  Students must contact Mrs. Zodrow (zodrowca@walton.k12.fl.us / room 114) to participate in the parade.  It will run the entire lakeyard loop.  Line-up for WHS students will be at Walton Middle School's bus ramp at 2:00.
- Presentation of the Homecoming Court at 6:30 p.m.
- Football game (against Pensacola Catholic) at 7:00 p.m.
- Homecoming dance from 9:00 to 11:00 p.m.
Tickets cost $10 and may be purchased during lunches through October 11.  Students bringing someone from another school must pick up a form from the front office & return it by October 11.  Middle school students & individuals over 21 are NOT allowed to attend.

Girls' dress code for dance:
- Dresses must be at least mid-thigh in length.
- Midriffs should NOT be exposed (front & sides).
- Dresses may be strapless or have spaghetti straps.
- Excessive cleavage is not allowed.

Boys' dress code for dance:
- Jeans or khakis

Friday, October 20

- Powderpuff game from 2:55 to 3:25
We'll be following our activity
bell schedule (below). The cost for students to attend will be $2. Girls
interested in playing should see Mrs. Zodrow in room 114. The first 15
girls from each grade level that meet the following requirements will be
allowed to play: pay $2 entry fee; must not have any referrals or
attendance issues; and must have a 2.0+ GPA.

Early Release Bell Schedule: